What Is Synthetic Wicker? How To Tell If Wicker Is Synthetic?


Wicker, a versatile material for crafting furniture and decorative items, can be derived from natural plant fibers or crafted from synthetic materials. The latter, synthetic wicker, has gained popularity for its durability and low maintenance. In this article, we'll explore the realm of synthetic wicker, its identification, and its benefits over natural counterparts.

What is Synthetic Wicker?

Synthetic wicker, often referred to as resin wicker or all-weather wicker, is an innovative material designed to emulate the aesthetic appeal of natural wicker while providing enhanced resilience against the elements. Commonly fabricated from polyethylene (PE) or polypropylene (PP), these synthetic fibers are woven to capture the traditional wicker pattern, offering a modern take on a classic material.

How to Tell if Wicker is Synthetic?

Discerning synthetic wicker from its natural counterpart can be intricate but is achievable through a series of examinations and tests:

  1. Color Examination: Synthetic wicker boasts a uniform, vibrant color palette, a result of a finishing layer of paint or adhesive, unlike the inconsistent hues found in natural wicker.

  2. Texture Inspection: The soft, pliable texture of natural wicker differs significantly from the stiffer, drier feel of synthetic wicker, which is more prone to breaking under extreme bending.

  3. Pattern Observation: Natural wicker's irregular, wavy patterns stand in contrast to the even, straight, and standardized patterns typical of synthetic wicker.

  4. Fire Test: A strand of wicker held to a flame will reveal its composition. Natural wicker burns with white or gray smoke, leaving ash, whereas synthetic wicker emits black or green smoke and plastic residue.

  5. Environmental Consideration: If the wicker is marketed as weather-resistant or all-weather, it is likely synthetic, designed to withstand outdoor conditions that would damage natural wicker.


2.1 Is Polyethylene Wicker Toxic?

Polyethylene wicker is considered a safe plastic alternative, free from harmful substances or formaldehyde. However, it's prudent to be aware of any additives and to follow the manufacturer's guidelines for usage and maintenance.

2.2 How Long Does Synthetic Wicker Furniture Last?

The lifespan of synthetic wicker furniture, which can range from 5 to 15 years, is influenced by material quality, design, and maintenance routines.

2.3 Is Resin Wicker Waterproof?

Resin wicker is water-resistant, not waterproof. While it can withstand regular outdoor use, prolonged submersion may affect its integrity.

2.4 Is Resin Wicker Good for Outdoors?

Resin wicker is exceptionally suited for outdoor use, given its resistance to water, sunlight, temperature fluctuations, and pests.

2.5 Is Resin Wicker Plastic?

Resin wicker is indeed a type of plastic, made from materials such as polyethylene or polypropylene, and is often used interchangeably with terms like synthetic or all-weather wicker.


Understanding the distinctions between natural and synthetic wicker is crucial for making informed decisions about home furnishings. Synthetic wicker, with its durability and weather resistance, presents a compelling choice for outdoor settings. However, the charm and authenticity of natural wicker should not be overlooked.

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